Shungite and Tigers Eye

Combination Bracelet with Shungite and Tigers Eye and Featuring our Sterling Silver Tree of Life charm and beads.

One size fits all

Metaphysical Benefits and Properties
 Relieves Stress and Anxiety
 Powerful protector from EMF
 Alleviates Insomnia
 Boosts overall energy
 Detoxifies and purifies body mind and spirit
 Corrects imbalances in the body
 Balances Base Chakra
 Purifies and cleanses Drinking Water
 Assists cellular imbalances
 Anti-inflammatory
 Natural Antihistamine
Enhances clarity of mind, confidence, strength and courage
 Enhances willpower, alertness and helps release fears
 Beneficially influences colon, genitals, legs, liver, nervous system and pancreas
 Assists in stomach ailments such as nausea, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea
 Can aid in weight loss by releasing negative energy from more than one Chakra
 Powerful healer for pain


This bracelet combination is cleverly combined to assist you in achieving peace and calm, absorbing excessive negative energy that creates stress and anxiety whilst simultaneously protecting you from the dangerous effects of electro magnetic fields EMF. Featuring our Sterling Silver tree of Life Charm and feature 4mm sterling Silver beads.

(Base Chakra)

Shungite is renowned for its unique powerful properties and vibration. Its energy being associated with earth provides grounding and safety. It is a stone of protection helping the lower part of our energetic body and repelling negative energy and considered as a powerful Base Chakra healing stone. Shungite is composed of mostly carbon, which is the universal building block for life as we know it. It is also known that Shungite is the only known natural mineral to contain fullerenes, a crystalline form of carbon and a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals.

Metaphysical Benefits and Properties
 Relieves Stress and Anxiety
 Powerful protector from EMF
 Alleviates Insomnia
 Boosts overall energy
 Detoxifies and purifies body mind and spirit
 Corrects imbalances in the body
 Balances Base Chakra
 Purifies and cleanses Drinking Water
 Assists cellular imbalances
 Anti-inflammatory
 Natural Antihistamine

Although recently discovered Shungite is believed to been around for an estimated 2 billion years. Found in the seabed of Lake Onega which was believed to be created by a meteorite crater Shungites property managed to purify the highly polluted waters it was formed in. Therefore, Shungite is highly regarded for its antioxidant fullerenes. As Carbon has been used within water filters for centuries, Shungite also possess the same purifying property. Although Shungite has been used for physical purification and detoxification, its healing properties go deeper into the emotional and spiritual realms, allowing anyone who works with Shungite to cleanse their energy field of harmful or unwanted energies. Shungite is a powerful stone to shield you from the electromagnetic radiation (EMF) given off by electrical equipment, including computers, mobile phones, microwaves and televisions and what we now know as being called electronic pollution, helping heal those who have developed a sensitivity to man-made electrical devices. Add Shungite to your water bottle to cleanse your water from all the heavy metals and chemicals and to re oxygenate. Shungite Water is known to relieve sore throats, blood disorders, asthma, allerges, kidney and liver disorders, arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome.


Base Chakra _ Sacral Chakra _ Solar Plexus

Tiger’s Eye is known for its properties of Courage, Clarity and Strength. The Tiger’s Eye is also known to help create understanding and awareness, it can also be a great stone to use when you are feeling stressed, to keep you calm. Tiger’s eye is usually a metamorphic rock with a golden to red/brown colour and a silky luster. Stimulating the Chakras, it supports physical vitality, practicality, and maintaining balance between extremes.

Benefits and Properties
 Enhances clarity of mind, confidence, strength and courage
 Enhances willpower, alertness and helps release fears
 Beneficially influences colon, genitals, legs, liver, nervous system and pancreas
 Assists in stomach ailments such as nausea, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea
 Can aid in weight loss by releasing negative energy from more than one Chakra
 Powerful healer for pain

Tiger’s Eye is known for its healing attributes and assists in areas concerning the digestive system, reproductive organs, genitals, liver, and the nervous system. Its powerful properties help release the energy contributing to stomach cramps, bloating, and bowel irregularities and discomfort. Tiger’s Eyes supports the release of toxins, alleviates pain and more importantly releases suppressed emotions of frustration associated with anger and aggression. Tiger’s Eye facilitates the grounding process and invokes self-empowerment. If you’ve been compared to a volcano eruption, then Tiger’s Eye will become your prized possession.
In Egypt, the beautiful bands of orange and gold displayed in the Tiger’s Eye represented the rays of the sun trapped inside the Eye of this sacred stone. This marvellous stone is still as captivating as it was in the past bringing stability and awareness while integrating the spiritual with the physical realms The crystal’s beauty was regarded as one of the most prized gems of the Nile River Valley. It was used as a sacred offering in the tombs of the pharaohs since its great force would help them navigate the afterlife. Throughout the ancient world, the Tiger Eye stone also represented the concept of the all-powerful Eye.
Resonating with frequencies of the earth Tiger’s Eye provides a warm, stable energy for prayers and meditation. It incites peacefulness and beauty connecting with the spiritual power of the sun as sustenance for the soul. It is known to enable the ability of remembering dreams for spiritual advancement, triggering imagination, intuition, and opening psychic abilities in people and balancing yin and yang energies.

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