Sandalwood – Santalum Album 10ml
Infused with Garnet and Clear Quartz
Sandalwood has been documented to being around for thousands of years. Known for its grounding benefits and is traditionally used to treat a wide variety of conditions. Described as dry and sweet with a very woody tone. It was originally used as a medical treatment in capsule form within Europe during World War 1 and 2 before antibiotics came along.
Known for its anti-viral and immune boosting capabilities it can be used as a treatment for so many areas. Research has suggested that the benefits extend to inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells.
Sandalwood also has astringent capabilities therefore is widely used to treat skin conditions helping improve elasticity and reducing the appearance of scars. This makes it a useful oil to apply on stretch marks.
Know for its relaxing properties and calming influences makes this oil a great accompaniment when diffused for meditative practices and overall health and well-being.
Sandalwood oil infused with the powerful properties of Clear Quartz and Garnet amplifies this powerful oil with the added benefits of the crystal’s high frequency energetical attributes.
Metaphysical Benefits and Properties
Strengthens, purifies, vitalizes and regenerates the blood stream
Sexuality and Passion
Known as the Bedroom stone
Love and Compassion
Releases anger and frustration
Stomach ailments such as cramps and bloating
Grounding stone
In a crisis Garnet is useful to have, particularly in situations where there seems to be no way out or where life has disjointed. Activating and strengthening the Base Chakra it supports the survival instinct and brings courage and hope into those situations. Crisis is turned into challenge under Garnet’s influence and promotes mutual assistance in times of trouble.
Purifying vital organs and regenerating the blood stream whilst reducing toxins in the body are some areas Garnet is particularly useful. Emotionally it provides a protective and grounding influence. Garnet revitalizes, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate also inspiring love and devotion, balancing the sex drive and alleviating emotional disharmony.
Garnet sharpens your perceptions of yourself and other people, dissolving deep-rooted behavioural patterns that are no longer serving you, and helps you let go of antiquated ideas. Garnet helps to gently open the heart promoting self-love. Garnet is also known as a Stone of Commitment, for purpose, to others, and to oneself. Its loving powers reflect the attributes of devotion and understanding. It provides for a balanced energy field around the physical body and alignment of the emotional and intellectual bodies by both monitoring and adjusting the flow of energy.
Clear Quartz Crystals+
Known as an amplification stone and the Master Healer. Highly valued by spiritual leaders and healers as well as scientists, the unique attributes of quartz have played a key role in mankind.
Clear Quartz can be used as a deep soul cleanser and purifier, enhancing the body to connect the physical realm with the mind’s higher dimensions. It focuses on transmuting inner negativity, in turn stimulating positive thoughts and feelings. Known as the Manifestation stone, its powerful properties helps to transform ideas and dreams into reality.
Metaphysical Benefits and Properties:
Stimulates brain functions
Amplifies thought forms
Dispels negativity in one’s energy field and environment
Excellent for meditation and manifestation.
Beneficial for all ailments