Palo Santo -Bursera Graveolons- Crystal Infused Essential Oil 10ml

Palo Santo -Bursera Graveolons- Crystal Infused Essential Oil 10ml

Palo Santo -Bursera Graveolons 10ml

Infused with Tigers Eye and Clear Quartz
Palo Santo also known as Bursera Graveolens is native tree found most in South America. This Peruvian native is highly regarded for its medicinal purposes. Palo Santo translates to “Holy Wood” and the wood, resin and oil has been widely used by Shamans in healing rituals for thousands of years.
When diffused it releases anti – microbial properties that cleanses your environment free of germs and negative energetical influences. Powerful enough to repel mosquitos and equally powerful enough to be used as an anti-fungal to clear skin diseases and infections.
Its Spiritual purification abilities makes it a perfect oil to diffuse for protection whilst performing rituals and meditations.
Palo santo oil infused with the powerful properties of Clear Quartz and Tigers Eye amplifies this powerful oil with the added benefits of the crystal’ high frequency energetical attributes.
Clear Quartz Crystals are part of the largest and most diverse family in the mineral kingdom and are the most common and abundant in the world. Clear Quartz crystals have been a source of Light to mankind. Highly valued by spiritual leaders and healers as well as scientists, the unique attributes of quartz have played a key role in mankind.
Metaphysical Benefits and Properties:
 Stimulates brain functions
 Amplifies thought forms
 Dispels negativity in one’s energy field and environment
 Excellent for meditation and manifestation.
 Beneficial for all ailments

Tiger’s Eye is known for its properties of Courage, Clarity and Strength. The Tiger’s Eye is also known to help create understanding and awareness, it can also be a great stone to use when you are feeling stressed, to keep you calm. Stimulating the Chakras, it supports physical vitality, practicality, and maintaining balance between extremes.

Benefits and Properties
 Enhances clarity of mind, confidence, strength and courage
 Enhances willpower, alertness and helps release fears
 Beneficially influences colon, genitals, legs, liver, nervous system and pancreas
 Assists in stomach ailments such as nausea, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea
 Can aid in weight loss by releasing negative energy from more than one Chakra
 Powerful healer for pain

It is suggested that you seek medical advice when pregnant and not to be used around young children under 18 months of age..


Essential oils are known for their many therapeutic benefits associated with the holistic nature of aromatic plants. Mother nature has provided us with a smorgasbord of different remedies for all ailments and essential oils that are skillfully steam distilled makes the a potent contender. They can assist in multitudes of ailments and here at Pineal Crescent we have amplified their therapeutic potential with our Crystal infused Range. Packed with high frequency energetical properties our aromatherapy range offers Mind Body and Spirit equilibrium.


Add 3-6 drops into your diffuser or  Jewellery of choice.

May be used as  a lotion by adding 6 – 10 drops to 30ml of your choice of carrier oil. Essential Oils offer potent healing potential so please use with caution.

They provide a natural alternative to enhance your over all equilibrium when applied as recommended.

Please note: Although research suggests that there are therapeutic benefits using aromatherapy to achieve health and wellness there is no guarantees that this will cure what the description indicates.


Keep out of reach children and pets.

This product is not intended for internal use.

Please consult with your medical practitioner before using if you suffer from allergic reactions, when you are pregnant or lactating or suffering from serious illness.

Do not use in babies under 3 months of age.

Always do a patch test before using topically.

If you suffer a reaction cease use immediately and seek medical advice.

Avoid contact with your eyes.

Use diffuser in a well ventilated area and be mindful of your fur babies as they too can suffer adverse reactions.

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